Online Courses

Be You And Feel Good – A practical guide to understand and deal with our emotions, wounds, patterns, mind needs and body well-being.

This course is a practical guide to understand and deal with our emotions, wounds, patterns, mind needs and body well-being. You will find out what emotions are and how to deal with them, how to feel them and express them in a healthy manner. You will learn about the emotional wounds and their causes and how to heal them. You will learn about the mind and how the mind functions and what the mind needs. You will also learn about the body, its’ needs and importance in your general well-being. Last but not least you will learn about yourself, who you really are or more exactly who you can be if you choose so. Self realisation is one of the most important achievements in life and I am explaining in this course how to reach a certain state of self realisation and sharing with you practical exercises to do so.

Man 3.0 – A practical guide to understand and accept masculine nature

I created this training as a reminder to myself to constantly practice my masculine power. Masculine power is not a given, it is a continuous action, day by day. Understanding and accepting men in the current society is more and more difficult. We are carrying a lot of guilt for the mistakes of our ancestors who suppressed and killed women. We are carrying a lot of shame because of the past failures of the patriarchal society. All these are present in the masculine egregor and carried over as subconscious patterns for the contemporary men. For these reasons we have a twisted image about masculinity and what it is and what it should be. We are oscillating between macho jerks and wimps in the quest to fit in a model that works for us and is least judged by the society and the people around us.

The alternative I am offering to you in this training is understanding the masculine qualities and using them consciously when needed. You will learn about the following masculine aspects:

The roots, The base, The heart, The crown, Integrity, Honesty, Compassion, Self-awareness, Taking Action, Penetrating, Transcending, Fell your pain, Protect, The Path of the Heart Warrior, Make Love, Love